Swahili Fashion mwaka huu kuanzia Kenya

East and Central Africa's leading fashion Platform now in its 7th year; Is back for the second time with Kenya edition.
SAVE YOUR DATE: Saturday 5th April 2014 Nairobi.
Are you a designer? Would you like to participate at Swahili Fashion Week Kenya?
If so VISIT our Website www.swahilifashionweek.com and download the application form
or liaise with Fashion Cordinator , Mr Honest Arroyal on designers@swahilifashionweek.com,
Support Made In East Africa initiative by being a Sponsor or partnering with us
Contact: SFW Manager
Mr Washington Benbella on Washington@swahilifashionweek.com
Nominate your Favourite Kenyan Deisgner, (Established & emerging) and models (male & Female) to awards@swahilifashionweek.com
Swahili Fashion Week is geared towards being the most sought out after and preferred fashion platform in Africa for the international market
Fashion Week aims to;
Promote Eastern African fashion brands.
Improve the quality and output of design from East Africa
Provide a platform for up and coming young designers in the region
Create opportunities for East African products in African Diaspora markets